
critical path (analysis) 統籌方法,關鍵路線法,主要矛盾線路...

critical point

The computational risk of schedule is comparably small with the classical pert method , but it is effective to decide the critical path - method ( 3 )提出了用當量概率修正pert網絡,計算進度風險的方法。

The same transaction mode is most commonly used when the event emission is part of the critical path for the application 當事件發送是應用程序關鍵路徑的一部分時,多數情況下通常使用same事務模式。

Force majeure events , to the extent they extend the critical path portion of the contract schedule , are also excusable delays 不可抗力事件,就其將合同時間延長而言,也屬于可免責拖延。

To delivery , and as a consequence puts test activities unnecessarily on the critical path of the project 交付而完成測試準備,并且作為將不必要的測試活動放在項目的關鍵路徑上的結果。

3 . in the task name field , select a single task on the critical path that could be completed in several steps 3 .在“任務名稱”域中,選擇關鍵路徑中一個可分幾個步驟來完成的任務。

Basic project planning , critical path , critical chain , or pert analysis may mitigate such failings 基本的項目計劃、關鍵路程、重要鏈子,和計劃評審技術分析也許會減低失敗的幾率。

It ’ s critical path delay is very little , and it operates in the fully - pipelined continuous decoding manner 它關鍵路徑延時很小,并且為全流水線連續解碼工作方式。

Follow - up the critical path of establish of the overall long and short term goals , objectives and priorities needs 跟進所有短期和長期進度表以滿足工作目標和需要。

The project plan ' s critical path is the sequence of tasks that ends on the latest finish date 項目規劃的“關鍵路徑”是指在最后完成日期結束的任務間的順序。

This method is slow by design , and should not be used in a performance - critical path 此方法被設計為運行速度很慢,不應該用于對性能要求很高的地方。

( 2 ) after the concept of critical rate is used , critical path is decided with the help of mc ( 2 )引進關鍵度的概念,提出了用mc尋找關鍵線路的方法。

Break up tasks on the critical path into smaller tasks that can be worked on simultaneously 將關鍵路徑上的任務拆分為可以同時進行的更小的任務。

Microsoft project recalculates the critical path every time you change task data 每次更改任務數據時, microsoftproject都會重新計算關鍵路徑。

The finish date of the last task in the critical path is the project finish date 關鍵路徑中最后一項任務的完成日期就是整個項目的完成日期。

Critical path method 關鍵路線法

Critical path method 關鍵路徑法

Critical path analysis 要徑分析

Overlap tasks on the critical path so that they can be worked on simultaneously 重疊關鍵路徑上的任務,從而使其能同時進行。

Critical path scheduling 臨界途徑法